What are the tests to determine heart disease?

The main cause of death in people is due to complications of the heart, for which, finding them in time is important, through medical devices able to diagnose anomalies, and improve the quality of life of patients who suffer them.

Therefore, there are several different types of heart health tests, the specialist doctor, will decide which tests or tests you need based on symptoms (if any), risk factors and medical history. 

Various tests for the diagnosis of heart disease

The measures taken by the treating physician should be responsible for indicating the various tests that the patient requires, whereby, apart from blood tests and a chest X-ray, tests to diagnose a heart disease may include:

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG): is a painless evaluation that reaches the electrical signals of the heart, by electrodes that transmit the abnormal heart rhythms. 
  • Holter monitoring: is a portable electrocardiogram device used to continuously record heart rhythm, usually 24 to 72 hours. 
  • Echocardiogram: is a study where it shows through images, the activity of the heart, is not invasive and uses sound waves to produce detailed images.
  • Catheterization: this test, with the help of X-ray images on a monitor as a guide, the doctor gently passes the catheter through the artery until it reaches your heart. During cardiac catheterization, pressures in the heart cavities can be measured to detect problems.
  • Cardiac computed tomography (CT) scan. The images are obtained through an X-ray tube, with a full view of the patient’s body.
  • Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): it uses magnetic fields and computer-generated radio waves to create detailed images of the heart.

This translates into the various methods that specialists can and should apply in patients suffering from heart disorders.

Recommendations to Stop Heart Disease

According to medical recommendations by coronary disease specialists, it is recommended to identify specific risk factors, such as abnormal cholesterol values, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking or family members who have developed the disease at a relatively young age, studies should be started in patients from the age of 20, for early detection, since lifestyles, have driven eating disorder, since cholesterol levels, cause risks to the development of heart disease, or stroke.

Likewise, the lack of control of blood pressure causes alterations in patients, affecting their physiological states, and therefore, the control should be performed at least once every two years. 

Also, for blood glucose, due reviews are recommended in obese patients and every three years, repeat tests in case they produce normal results. In this way, the evolutionary development is achieved for early detection and to establish a specific treatment or to modify the dose of any medicine that the patient may be taking, in patients who require it. 

In the case of children with heart difficulties, specific studies can be used to discover the area within the heart that is sending the abnormal signals. This test should be carried out by a pediatric cardiologist with specific training in the electrical conduction system of the heart in children. 

Electrocardiographs brand KALSTEIN

We at Kalstein, are trained to offer you the best medical equipment with the best and most advanced technology in electrocardiographs, for early detection tests and the presence of coronary artery disease, with 3-channel ECG features prints 3 waveforms / channels at once. The microprocessor amplifies, filters and sends to a 3-channel multiplexer, YR models, power supply, lifetime warranty, metal and plastic material, class A instrument rating, 7″ touchscreen monitor with super-thin design colors, USB ports, storage of up to 30000 patient records and for your best convenience, click on our link HERE