What are the complications of neonatal phototherapy?

Phototherapy is the reference technique used as treatment against neonatal hyperbilirubinemia clinical picture in the newborn that if not treated in time can lead to the development of irreversible nervous system conditions such as Kernicterus, this technique is based on the use of electromagnetic radiation (light) to reduce the levels of bilirubin in blood, using for it the properties of light.

When light radications affect the skin and blood capillaries result in the transformation of bilirubin into water-soluble bilirubin photoisomers that are then more easily excreted in feces and urine, without the need to conjugate in the liver, thus producing a decrease in blood bilirubin.

Phototherapy in neonatal jaundice

Phototherapy allows to approach and treat neonatal jaundice in a safe, innocuous, simple way and obtaining very good results. As mentioned is the definitive treatment of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and prevents Kernicterus, consists in placing a light at a distance of 30-40 cm from the naked body surface of the newborn previous placement of radiopaque glasses and removal of any cream or lotion of the skin.

Typically, phototherapy units are used and are commonly composed of 4 tubes of blue light and 2 tubes of white light. The blue ones in the center and the white ones on the sides. These phototherapy lamps are fluorescent and LED bulbs.

Complications of neonatal phototherapy

In a similar way to many other treatments, phototherapy produces different effects in the patient, so it is convenient that health personnel know them so that they can assess and intervene. Among the most common complications associated with phototherapy are:

  • Bronzed child syndrome, the coloring of newborns exposed to phototherapy may progress to a dark grayish-brown color, also at the urine and serum level. The cause appears to be due to retention of phototherapy products.
  • At the level of the gastrointestinal system, the use of phototherapy generates watery diarrhea and a shorter duration in intestinal transit. This occurs due to the presence of unconjugated bilirubin in the intestine and a higher concentration of bile salts.
  • Fluid loss due to an increase in insensitive water losses. In term newborns losses of up to 40% can be observed, this percentage will be even higher when it is under the lamp of phototherapy.
  • Damage to the retina, if the retina is directly towards the light, premature aging of the retina may develop. This due to the loss of cones and canes. Therefore, the use of eye glasses in the newborn is advised to avoid this damage.

Evolution of complications of phototherapy

Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a condition where early detection is essential to avoid complications caused by bilirubin neurotoxicity, such as Kernicterus which can in turn cause atetoid cerebral palsy and hearing loss, problems in the sight and teeth, as well as intellectual disabilities.

Therefore, timely medical intervention is essential, and for this, knowledge of adverse effects and appropriate care during phototherapy is required to minimize complications as soon as possible. Currently, phototherapy is considered a safe method without known long-term effects. These side effects mentioned above disappear following discontinuation of treatment, although phototherapy will always be performed for a justified cause and both excess duration and unnecessary use will be avoided.

What does Kalstein offer you?

Kalstein is a company MANUFACTURER of medical and laboratory equipment of the highest quality and the best technology at the best PRICES in the market, so you can make your PURCHASE with us, knowing that you have the service and advice of a company specialized in the field and committed to provide you with safe, economical and effective options for the performance of your functions in the right way. This time we present our Child bilirubin phototherapy unit YR02194. This equipment has the following characteristics:

  • The unit has a long life span providing 20,000 to 30,000 hours of light therapy.
  • LED fluorescent lamp as radiant elements of phototherapy.
  • The curing angle of the lamp can be adjusted horizontally.
  • The height of the lamp head can be adjusted.
  • The stainless steel bracket can be adjusted.
  • The wheels can be locked.
  • Timer to record the phototherapy operation.
  • Widely applicable in all hospitals and clinics and optimized for babies with jaundice.

For more information we invite you to take a look at: HERE