What are electrosurgical units and why should we try them?

They are known as electroscature or hot scalpel, it allows to use a source of electrical energy of high frequencies, where heat transmission is generated to make a cut or clot the softtissue; this equipment is able thanks to its technology to perform pure electrosection or combined with electrocoagulation; most of these equipment allow an effective power between 50 and 100w, they have the advantage that they do not interfere with nervous processes.

Types of electrosurgical units

In kalstein you can find two modes of electrosurgical units. Each is detailed below:

  • Monopolar mode:  its structure is made up of a return electrode and another called an active electrode; they usually come with two buttons that allow you to change the function, cutting and coagulation mode.
  • Bipolar mode: this applies current through two tips that are usually tweezers or scissors, these have a lower power intensity than monopolars; their function is mainly for endoscopic application or to seal vessels.

Parts of electrosurgical units

Depending on the model of the equipment, its parts may vary, but in essence it consists of:

  • Indicators of the modes of operation.
  • Power selector.
  • Electrodes for monopolar mode.
  • Foot switch.
  • Circuit, refers to the internal parts of the unit.
  • Tweezers or scissors for bipolar mode.

Advantages of medical procedures through the use of electrosurgical units

  1. Less time, accelerating and optimizing treatments.
  2. Decreases bleeding.
  3. Maintains a high level of asepsis.
  4. Reduces the risk of infection and contamination of healthy tissue.
  5. It is less invasive.
  6. Wounds heal in less time.

Disadvantages of using electrosurgical units

The disadvantages of this equipment lie in consequences of the handling of it, that is, by a bad handling and carelessness of the equipment; it can cause damage to various tissues if not handled with technique and care according to the unit’s manual; also when used a small amount of smoke containing toxic substances is produced, but in a minimal proportion.

Because we must test electrosurgical units

  • It is advisable to review the equipment, in order to achieve an effective performance of the same, as indicated in the manufacturer’smanual.
  • As it is a current equipment, we must perform high frequency leakage current tests and it is important to measure according to the parameters to avoid accidental burns in patients.
  • The fluid test and inert gas pressure is indispensable as it removes oxygen, which ensures the carbonization of the tissue.
  • Standardized testing and test automation must be performed to achieve simple data traceability, simplified data extraction, and fewer human errors.
  • Testing the equipment and electrodes on a regular basis ensures proper use of it, preventing a risk of burns.
  • The measuring equipment used in the tests must be checked annually and before the tests are carried out, to avoid errors in theelectrosurgicalunits.

Maintenance and precautions of electrosurgical units

  • Check the equipment annually by a competent technician, who performs the tests of powers, current detected and the state of electrodes.
  • Examine accessories to ensure reliable and safe operation.
  • After disconnecting the equipment from the network, wipe with a slightly damp cloth.
  • Check the wires and observe the status of the electrodes.
  • Keep the plate clean and free of rust residues.
  • Sterilize all accessories, electrodes including cables.
  • Take care not to scratch the electrodes, that decreases their useful life.
  • If the electrode is antenna type, verify that it does not present fissures.
  • At the time of medical intervention, remove metal elements from the patient.
  • Avoid contact between the patient and the cable.

If you want to buy your electrosurgical units, in Kalstein we offer you this  and  other  equipment related to the medicalfield,  with  the best online shopping  offers, visit us on  our  website  and enjoy the catalog of high quality equipment and at the best price you will find in the market  , a direct offer from laboratory equipment manufacturers that has nocompetition. HERE