Use of water distiller for the production of plant protection products

Plant protection products are mixtures of one or more active substances and other ingredients, which serve to protect plant organisms from harmful agents. This designation includes compounds that control, regulate or inhibit the germination of undesirable plants, due to their competition with crops, for water, nutrients, space and sunlight.

Plant protection products may be of chemical or biological origin and are categorized as insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, among others. In the case of products of chemical origin, their production is carried out in two stages, the first consists of the chemical synthesis of the active ingredients, while the second is the subsequent formulation of these active ingredients, which is usually carried out with mixing or grinding processes.

Water quality

Using water with the quality required for the production and cleaning process of industrial equipment is essential, as it will promote the production of quality products and reduce the risk of corrosion, deposits, fouling and other factors that can harm the efficiency of production or shorten the useful life of our equipment, such as feed pipes, boilers, turbines and heat exchangers.

At this point, it is important to highlight the qualities of distilled water. It is a product free of microorganisms and possible dissolved contaminants, such as iron, lead and nitrate, in addition to the elements that give hardness to water, such as calcium and magnesium. These characteristics of distilled water are due to the highly effective purification treatment, called distillation. This process is done with a computer called a distiller.

Water distiller

The distiller is a team that performs the purification of drinking water, through consecutive and controlled processes of vaporization and cooling, which allows separating the water molecules, other molecules or elements that are diluted.

The design of the equipment may vary according to the capacity of the equipment; each establishment or industry chooses the distiller model, according to the volumes of water required. Generally speaking, it consists of a steam generator or boiling tank, immersion resistors, cooling water outlet, condenser, filter and distilled water tank.

Kalstein distillers

At Kalstein we offer a wide variety of water distillers, from the YR series. You can choose the one that best suits your needs. Kalstein water distillation equipment works in an automated way, therefore, it is easy to use. They are designed with a glass bucket at the top, which allows the observation of the distillation process. They promote water and energy saving and have a protection system for electric loads and also a protection function in cases where the water supply is reduced or interrupted. For more information about Kalstein distillers, visit the link HERE