How does a phototherapy lamp incubator work?

An incubator with phototherapy lamp is a specialized medical team that provides optimal conditions for the care of newborns who are not prepared for extra-uterine life, this type of incubators specializes in the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia in newborn patients who present jaundice.

These incubators have what are known as phototherapy units, devices composed of specialized lamps that allow light therapy to treat hyperbilirubinemia, as well as provide life support, isolate and provide heat to neonates.

What is neonatal jaundice?

Jaundice is the yellowing of skin and mucous membranes caused by the accumulation or deposition of bilirubin. In neonates, the increase in bilirubin is most often secondary to the destruction or lysis of red blood cells, as the concentration of these cells is higher in the fetus in order to make better use of the scarce amount of oxygen available inside the uterine. After birth, this amount of red blood cells is no longer needed, so a large number of them are naturally destroyed, resulting in an increase in the release of hemoglobin to the circulatory torrent that will then be converted to indirect or unconjugated bilirubin (liposoluble) by a series of biochemical reactions.

Indirect bilirubin can cross the blood-brain barrier, causing neuronal damage when found in excessive amounts due to its neuronal toxicity effect, which can lead to permanent neurological sequelae in the patient. That is why this pathological condition should be prevented by maintaining safe levels of bilirubin in the blood, being phototherapy one of the most used techniques for this purpose.

What is phototherapy?

Phototherapy is a technique in which light radiation is used to treat excessive elevation of bilirubin in newborns. This technique allows the transformation of bilirubin into water-soluble photoisomers thanks to the effect of light, which can be excreted by feces and urine, without the need to conjugate in the liver.

There are a variety of types of phototherapies according to the maximum wavelength produced by light. Therefore, specialized blue fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps, halogen bulbs or LED system lamps are used, depending on the case. Fluorescent tubes have Plexiglas protections to filter out any ultraviolet radiation, they do not emit dangerous levels of infrared radiation. While tungsten-halogen bulbs emit broad spectrum light, thus emitting ultraviolet radiation and radiation in the near infrared, which at high levels can damage the eyes and skin, so these bulbs must include internal filters and reflectors to reduce harmful radiation. LED bulbs emit a blue light that does not raise temperature or emit ultraviolet radiation.

What is the neonatal phototherapy protocol?

The treatment of neonatal jaundice through phototherapy is a simple protocol that consists of placing a light at a distance of 30-40 cm from the naked body surface of the newborn previous placement of radiopaque glasses and removal of any cream or lotion of the skin. The administration of phototherapy will depend on the bilirubin levels, age of life, gestational age at birth and the clinical status of the newborn.

During phototherapy the baby should be put on a mask to prevent any damage to the eyes. The importance of the incubator with lamp for phototherapy is that when used, it prevents bilirubin from reaching toxic levels that can cause permanent brain damage in the newborn and other complications that could cause high bilirubin.

What types of phototherapy can an incubator offer?

  • Simple, standard or conventional phototherapy: using 8-10 ìW/cm2/nm radiation emitted by a lamp with fluorescent tubes, two white and four blue.
  • Intermittent phototherapy: as the name suggests, it works with light exposure cycles and rest cycles. The lamps used for standard phototherapy are used.
  • Dual or intensive phototherapy: uses radiation greater than 30 ìW/cm2/nm and uses lamps with six blue tubes.

Types of phototherapy units

  • Fixed: wall mounted or a ceiling mounted.
  • Interconstructed: included in the incubator.
  • Mobile and pedestal: is placed on the incubator.

What do we offer you in Kalstein?

At Kalstein we are MANUFACTURERS of medical equipment of the highest quality and at the best PRICES in the market, so you can make your purchase with us in a safe way and have the confidence to have the support of a company highly specialized in the field. This time we present the children’s incubator YR02188 designed with an advanced thermoregulation system for the neonatal intensive care unit. The ultrasonic humidifier provides low temperature and comfortable airflow within the incubator.

The adjustable humidity range of 40% to 80% provides the right incubation environment for patients. The design of the double wall camera prevents heat and moisture loss. The optical design of the incubator with servo-controlled humidity and temperature keeps the baby in a stable environment in virtually any NICU for fragile infants. Widely applicable in all hospitals and clinics and optimized for premature deliveries or for some term sick babies.

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