Freeze-drying of feedingstuffs

Freeze drying is a method of drying a substance at very low temperatures, to separate the liquid from it, by the process of sublimation. This technique is especially used in foods, yeasts or vaccines, to preserve them for an indefinite time, since it does not alter their physical and chemical structure and allows the products to remain with their organoleptic properties intact.

Freeze-drying is a widely used technique within the animal food industry, thanks to its special drying of food, making them easy to store, transport and deliver. This process complies with the conservation and quality of the product, for example, dog food based on raw meat, when undergoing lyophilization will maintain its same color, flavor, texture and nutritional properties, in addition to eliminating any bacteria present in the meat.

Lyophilized feedingstuffs

Freeze-dried food arose thanks to the growing demand that currently exists in the market, this is because the foods are more complete and natural at a nutritional level, due to the specific process to which they are subjected. The meat that has gone through freeze-drying provides a product similar to raw meat, becoming a snack or food supplement for the animal, with the advantage that when consuming it will not contract diseases by bacteria.

Freeze-dried food is a type of instant product that provides healthy, natural nutrition and free of chemical additives and cereals. It is therefore used to treat obesity in pets. During this technique, foods are cold dehydrated to make them more durable, leaving them free of moisture. The following are the benefits of freeze-drying animal feed:

  • The original appearance and structure of the food remains.
  • They become non-perishable products.
  • They maintain a very high aroma and taste.
  • Food is free of moisture, making it impossible to develop pathogens.

Freeze drinkers

Freeze-drying is a device that operates by freeze-drying, a process that dries materials by freezing. This instrument removes any traces of water from a food, without harming its natural properties. To freeze-dry a product the first step is to freeze it, so it will retain its molecular structure, then it is taken to the freeze-drier and subjected to vacuum, to sublimate the water in the sample.

Every freeze-drier is made up of 3 basic parts: a freeze-drying chamber, where the sample is placed to freeze-dried and sublimation is carried out, the closure must be airtight and work under vacuum; a condenser with cooling circuit, where the steam obtained from sublimation is collected; and a vacuum chamber, to remove the air and help in the sublimation of the sample.

Advantages of lyophilizers

The product obtained with these equipment will be a dehydrated food, which can be rehydrated when needed. Freeze dryers are very useful equipment in laboratories where it is necessary to store products for a longer time, for example in the pharmaceutical or food industry. The following are the advantages of lyophilizers:

  • The products obtained can be rehydrated quickly.
  • The chemical, physical and biological properties of food are maintained, thus maintaining its quality.
  • Oxidable constituents are protected.
  • The final product contains little moisture.
  • Long-lasting, they are considered non-perishable foods.

Kalstein brand lyophilizers

At Kalstein we are a leading company in the sale of clinical and laboratory equipment, our products are characterized by being of high quality and advanced technology, we can assure you this, being MANUFACTURERS thereof. We have a wide variety of models at the most affordable PRICES for your pocket. If you are interested in BUYING a freeze-drier, in our catalog you can find a great variety of models. Our T-type YR series tabletop laboratory lyophilizer is distinguished by: HERE

  • CFC-free cooling.
  • LCD screen drying curves, English interface.
  • Large opening of condenser, condenser with pre-freeze function.
  • Low noise compressor, good efficiency, long service life.

If you want to see our catalog of lyophilizers, you can enter by clicking the following link HERE