Circulation bath: why is it used?

This type of equipment is designed to maintain a constant and reliable temperature, these move liquids while providing the set temperature, are used in microbiological research, continuous agitation will allow cell cultures growing in the liquid to mix with the air; they are basically used because they manage to maintain a fixed temperature for the entire duration of the experiment.

Not only does it maintain a high temperature but depending on the user’s needs and the requirements of the experiment, they can also cool the water and its temperature range ranges from -40 to 200°C; In KALSTEIN we can offer you a variety of circulation baths that meet first the requirements of the experiments but the standards requested by the users; check their descriptions at the following link HERE

Because they use the circulation bathrooms

Due to the characteristics that the equipment presents, it can be given various uses such as: incubating samples for a long time, heating reagents, melting substrates, incubating cell cultures or creating chemical reactions at high temperatures; constant temperature functionality favors a consistent environment for different tests and tests performed in different medical and industrial laboratories.

In addition to its applications we must remember the benefits of its use, since they allow to reduce the consumption of distilled water, it offers shorter times to complete the cooling and heating process, due to its material of designs such as stainless steel favors the process of internal and external thermoregulation, allowing different articles to be thermoregulated, which favors chemical investigations and in other areas where heat is required by thermal convention for analysis.

Recommendations for use in traffic baths in your laboratory

  • Do not use hazardous, moisture-sensitive or explosive chemical reactions.
  • Do not heat a circulating bath fluid above the flash point.
  • Check the water level of a water bath regularly.
  • Only distilled water should be used so that salts do not accumulate in the heating element.
  • For cleaning equipment should be regular with disinfectants to prevent the growth of organisms that can affect the results of research experiments.
  • Bring the water bath temperature to at least 90 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes at least once a week to also help decontaminate the water bath.

Other options for using the circulating bathrooms in the laboratory

Another characteristic by which these equipment are used in laboratories is that according to the requirements of the sample can be combined with other laboratory equipment, in this way optimize its functions, an example of that, is when working with chemicals that generate fumes, it is recommended to operate the circulating bath inside an extractor hood or in a well ventilated workspace.

It has the benefit that liquid samples flow under the bath and occurs when the temperature is very high giving it conformity and firmness, as required by experiments in serology and with enzymes; they are also used to transmit energy in a way that is not direct, gives you the option of controlling high temperatures, heating and melting materials, also allows reactions to occur at high heat and incubate samples at equal heat during the same time, another way of using the circulating baths is to nurture chemicals that are flammable.

Each model has different settings, the acquisition of these circulating bathrooms can be made through online shopping channels that are very easy and viable, we invite you to visit the KALSTEIN website, in the following link: HERE and enjoy the catalog of high quality equipment and the best price you will find in the market, in addition to being high level manufacturers, with great demand buy-sale worldwide, we offer you the best specialists to provide you the necessary advice, our Kalstein Laboratory Equipment Company, offers you great advantages of warranty and commitment, ensuring a team with superior technology and high performance.