Anesthesia Machine – Parts and Function

An anesthesia machine is a complex medical device made up of a set of elements used to administer medicinal or anesthetic gases to a patient during anesthesia, both in spontaneous and controlled ventilation.

Knowing exactly how an anesthesia machine is constituted and its function is essential for its safe use. An anesthesia machine is made up of several components that communicate with each other during the administration of inhaled anesthesia, these components include the anesthesia machine, vaporizers and the respiratory system.

Parts of an anesthesia machine

  • Flowmeters: They are devices that measure the amount of gas in motion. The mechanism of action depends on the laws of passage of the liquids in tubes. They are generally graduated in ml / min and l / min and there are flowmeters for air, oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. The first flowmeters were simple faucet-style shut-off valves. They are identified by internationally known colors (green O2, blue N2O and air yellow).
  • Valves: They are movable mechanisms to open or close a passage of a fluid. They are devices used to start or maintain the flow of a gas and to regulate the amount of gas.
  • Yokes: These are devices used to fix gas cylinders to the anesthesia machine or to the regulator. They have shapes of circular or rectangular metal clips, with adjustable zipper.
  • Manometers: It is a team that is responsible for measuring the tension of aeriform fluids. Two pressure gauges are usually included in the cylinder regulator. One measures the pressure of the gas inside the cylinder. The other manometer registers the pressure or work.
  • It is a device used to reduce the pressure of a gas as it leaves a cylinder at constant and useful pressure. This equipment allows the expansion of compressed gas.
  • Vaporizers: It is an instrument designed to facilitate the change from a liquid anesthetic to its vapor phase and supply a controlled amount of this vapor to the flow of gases that reaches the patient. In other words, their objective is to maintain an adjustable vaporization of volatile anesthetics within the desirable anesthetic concentration limits. The vaporizers are located towards the right side of the flowmeters.
  • The absorption circle: The absorption circle is the most common respiratory system that exists. It consists of eight basic components: fresh gas inlet, inspiratory and expiratory valves, corrugated tubes, “Y” piece, relief valve and gas diversion, breathing bag, soda lime canister and pressure gauge. Inspiratory and expiratory valves are included in the system to ensure unidirectional flow in the corrugated tubing. Fresh gases enter the circle through a connection to the common outlet of the machine.

Function of an anesthesia machine

An anesthesia machine is a high-precision equipment that is used to guarantee the precise provision of medicinal gas, that is, one that does not generate health problems for the patient. This is responsible for producing and combining inhalation anesthetic agents and a fresh gas flow of medical gases. In order to induce and keep the patient under anesthesia.

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